The 25-Song Naked Meme
Dec 13 2007 Thu
12:41 am PHT
Well, Juned tagged me with Jayvee’s Naked Meme and I’m obliged to answer because they’re my friends. Well here are the verbatim instructions:
1. Take a screen shot of either your Top 25 Most Played / 25 Recently Played / Top Rated songs on your music device.
2. Post them on your blog and explain yourself
3. Copy these instructions and tag 6 audiophiles to do the same thing
So here’s the screenshot:
Plain (and linked to previous posts) list version of the screenshot below:
Kaskade feat. Andy Caldwell - Everything (Kaskade’s Big Room Mix)
Chicane - No Ordinary Morning
Fra Lippo Lippi - Light and Shade
Boyz II Men and Mariah Carey - One Sweet Day
Alanis Morissette - Head Over Feet
Mariah Carey - Always Be My Baby
Clair Marlo - ‘Til They Take My Heart Away
The Corrs - Runaway
Parokya ni Edgar - Gising Na
Moony - Flying Away
Michelle Branch - Breathe
Lisa Loeb and Nine Stories - Stay
And here’s my explaining. According to my non-iTunes jukebox software, these are among the top 25 rated songs I have on my iPod. Note that I tend to play through my whole collection and so showing the most recently/top played 25 songs I have is no better than choosing at random. And since I haven’t updated my ratings since late last year, this list is quite outdated. But I fixed it up a bit so that it’s a good representation of the type of music I love.
I said before (more than 3 years ago) that “I don’t like a particular music genre but I do like individual pieces of music. The only criteria is that it should sound good, never mind the lyrics or the message.” So you’ll see that my list above spans somewhat a wide range of genres, years, and styles. (Hmmm, maybe I should include Pachelbel’s Canon In D to even things out. Hehehe.) If Juned describes his taste in music as eclectic, I would describe mine as diverse. Not elitist nor populist, but just diverse.
So, the poor souls I’m tagging next are: Sasha, Rico, J, Tito Pao, Mike, and Ramil. Hey, it’ll be fun! (Post a comment if you followed through so that I can check your list out.)
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