

7:14 pm PHT

As may be noticed by the extremely small readership of this blog, I’ve redesigned. The new style is called Airlight because, obviously, I wanted it to feel light and airy (maaliwalas, my sister has commented). The previous style, which I now call Columnar, looked too conventional for me. It looked good and all but it was missing some personality—it looked too much like many of the other blogs out there.

Through the magic of CSS, structured XHTML, and a bit of JavaScript, readers can now choose between the two (see the switcher at the sidebar). Airlight, my favorite, will be the default style of this blog (up until the next redesign, if ever). I plan that all styles of this blog, including those I haven’t thought of yet, will be available through this style switcher.

The style switcher was liberally taken from the “Alternative Style” article over at A List Apart. Other noted web designers like Jeffrey Zeldman, Dan Cederholm, and Dave Shea also have or had their own style switchers but their different “styles’ were mostly cosmetic ones that changed color schemes, or accessibility ones that changed font sizes. I wanted my switched styles to look different, much like the one you can see over at Dave Shea’s css Zen Garden.

It’s been an itch I’ve been wanting to scratch for a while.

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