I’m a Guest Blogger at Google Sightseeing!
Jul 12 2007 Thu
11:25 am PHT
Check it out! When the guys over at Google Sightseeing decided to let their readers write their own posts for Google Sightseeing instead of their usual method of soliciting suggestions, I immediately took the opportunity to get the first ever Philippine spot featured on their popular site (and to plug my blog and Vista Pinas as well ). Anyway, the Philippine spot I wrote about is the Mactan Shrine in Cebu. I figured that because this historic landmark features an obelisk dedicated to Ferdinand Magellan, whose expedition is the first to successfully circumnavigate the world, a write-up about the shrine would appeal to an international audience.
I’ve been reading Google Sightseeing almost from the very beginning back in April 2005. That was just around the time Google introduced satellite imagery to their Google Maps product. So I’ve been hooked to Google Sightseeing ever since and they’re the inspiration for my Vista Pinas blog.
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