Don’t You Just Hate Plagiarizers? (And Non-Attributers)
Jun 03 2006 Sat
1:48 am PHT
Okay, it’s probably to be expected when you’re publishing things on the web, but I didn’t really think it will happen to me. I have found these two blog posts: plagiarism #1 and plagiarism #2. Both posts infringe on my copyright to this article.
Hay, mga tao talaga. Mr. Carlo, in particular, now sounds intelligent because of this stolen post. I have also fired off a YM message to Ms. Jinny. Too bad they’re both in closed blogging communities or I would’ve fired some stern anonymous comments.
In other news, I noticed that this SkyscraperCity thread has my annotated image inline. It’s not bandwidth theft, since the image was re-uploaded elsewhere, but I want some acknowledgement. I think it was TheCoffee, a Wikipedia friend of mine, who posted the original link there (I don’t mind), but some people now think that the guy who placed the image inline is the one who annotated the picture. Hmmmph.
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