Of Homilies and Pacmania
Nov 19 2006 Sun
3:48 pm PHT
Some parishes have started to use LCD projectors instead of overhead projectors in their masses. They’re used to typically display lyrics to hymns, the responsorial Psalm, and almost the entire misalette in some cases.
It was probably inevitable, but at the mass this morning at the Parish of the Resurrection in BF Homes Parañaque, I witnessed for the first time the priest give his homily accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation. Yes, I’m not kidding. His presentation probably broke all the rules on not what to do when creating presentations. (Maybe the homily-with-a-presentation has been going for a while, but it’s the first time I encountered it.)
To the priest’s credit, it did get everyone’s attention. Especially when his homily’s introduction featured a promotional poster for the recently concluded Pacquiao vs. Morales match. (Actually, I was expecting a mention or two about the boxing match—no Filipino priest worth his congregation will fail to mention it in his homily—but I really did not expect the PowerPoint treatment.) Anyway, the priest also showed other historic boxing trilogies, like the Ali vs. Frasier Thrilla in Manila, before segueing into Angels vs. Demons. Complete with an animated laughing devil.
I’m having mixed emotions at this multimedia spirituality.
And speaking of Pacquiao vs. Morales, boy was that anticlimactic! I’m actually not interested that much in the boxing finale, but the match was so short that I caught most of it while doing the treadmill here in the gym (I’m taking advantage of my unlimited membership before going to Japan tomorrow.) Morales did not even put up a worthy fight. I’m sure people had more worth for their tickets at the recent Ateneo vs. UST basketball finals.
Heh. Enough ranting and raving. Gotta finish my routine and buy some more stuff for my trip.
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