
PageRank Updates for My Sites

11:11 am PHT

After the Google Toolbar PageRank kerfuffle last week in which a lot of high-profile sites and blogs got demoted a rank or two, it seems everything is back to normal and the ranks are back to what is mostly expected by people. The mass-demotion last week was the talk of the international blogosphere and whether the temporary drop was just an update glitch or a slap on the wrist by Google to the sites that game the PageRank system (PR) is still a question to be answered since Google is keeping mum. A lot of theories are being thrown around and the mainstream conclusion is that the visible PageRank value (i.e., the Toolbar PageRank number) should not used as a sole criterion for a website’s worth. This whole brouhaha is quite a big thing since there is quite a big Internet sub-economy built around the concept of PR (with sites like Text Link Ads and Pay Per Post).

Anyway, during the “glitch” stage last week, all three of my active sites—this blog, Lakbayan, and Vista Pinas—had their respective PRs unchanged: PR4, PR0, PR0. (Since the latter two sites were new, their zero rankings were expected.) After the “glitch” stage, the three sites all now have a PageRank of 4. I was expecting vaes9 to go back up to PR5 (it had that rank before the April 2007 update), but it stayed the same. I don’t mind it that much since PR4 is quite a respectable and average value for a quality-content site. Hehehe.

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