How to Make Applications Work in Windows XP Limited User Accounts
May 29 2005 Sun
9:03 pm PHT
Here’s something I’ve learned when I was using my new PC. I’m writing this down so that other people might benefit.
In Windows XP (at least for the Home Edition), if an application doesn’t seem to work correctly in a Limited user account but works perfectly in a Computer Administrator account, it’s most probably because registry premissions were restricted on the Limited accounts. To make the application work, just do the steps below.
Warning: This is a potentially dangerous operation since you’d be editing the Windows Registry, especially if you do not know what you’re doing. Please make back-up copies of the Registry before proceeding. And even then, proceed at your own risk (and I shall not be liable for anything).
1. Log in to a Computer Administrator account.
2. Open the Registry Editor. (Go to the Start Menu, select “Run…”, and enter “regedit” in the text box.)
4. Find the application under this key, right-click on it, then select the “Permissions…” menu item.
5. Select the “Users” group under the Group or user names section.
6. Check the “Allow” “Full Control” checkbox under the Permission for Users section.
7. Click on “OK” then exit the Registry Editor.
8. The application should now be able to run correctly on Limited user accounts.
I am not sure if there are any side-effects to this procedure. But based on my limited understanding of how the Registry and permissions work, I think this should have no effect outside of the application that uses that registry key.
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